Battery Energy Storage Systems
Today's Power, Inc. (TPI) provides off-the-shelf, customizable power and energy storage solutions for a variety of applications. Our products scale to meet any energy demand and are designed to operate under any condition around the world using cleaner power derived from sunlight, wind and conventional fuel sources.
Ozarks Solar Park
Peak Shaving / Load Leveling
Peak shaving charges and discharges the energy storage system based upon a specific load profile provided by the end-user. This operation is commonly used in conjunction with other benefits such as arbitrage to achieve maximum financial gains. End-users use this when seeking to reduce demand charges due to load spikes. Arbitrage is the most common mode of operation activated on TPI energy storage platforms.
Power Quality
TPl's energy storage systems are designed to respond with power quality control allowing each unit to charge and discharge based upon the frequency regulation and voltage support requirements of the grid. This is generally activated on either a time-of-day basis or through signaling (SCADA). Specific kVAr or power factor levels may be set by the user in order to achieve desired reactive power levels. Other advantages of power quality include the ability to manage frequency and voltage regulation.
Energy Arbitrage
Energy Arbitrage takes advantage of either a predetermined time-of-day price fluctuation or signal indicated (from SCADA data) to charge and discharge the storage system at a specific rate for a specific time.
Manual Operation
Manual operation allows the end-user to manually control the operation of the system through a secure HMI interface at location or through a secure web portal.
Reserve Power
In a reserve mode, the energy storage system will automatically direct power to the pre-determined load if there is a lack of power from the grid. This is generally a selected priority setting as this allows the unit to function in another mode of operation so long as there is an active grid connection. In the event of a grid failure, the system would switch modes to power only its assigned load, IE - Emergency operations center.