Rich Mountain Electric Cooperative Unveiled Array with Today’s Power, Inc.
Rich Mountain Electric Cooperative (RMEC) and Today’s Power, Inc. (TPI) has unveiled the completed 1-megawatt (MW) solar array near the headquarters of the co-op in Mena, Arkansas off of Arkansas Highway 88. In recognition of his 58 years of service to the cooperative, the solar generation facility is dedicated to the retiring President and CEO of the cooperative, Leon Philpot.
This project, the Leon Philpot Solar Generation Facility, is one of the country’s most advanced systems and includes a single-axis tracking array of approximately 3,800 panels that covers about nine acres of land. The system has been designed to mitigate a portion of RMEC’s peak demand and will produce a maximum peak power of 1 MW. TPI installed 1.4 MW of DC power to be inverted to 1 MW of AC usable energy.
“Our cooperative network is always working to ensure that we have a variety of power resources to meet membership needs, and renewable energy is an integral part of that strategy,” said Leon Philpot, retiring President and CEO of Rich Mountain Electric Cooperative.
With agreements made between RMEC and TPI in early March, the Leon Philpot Solar Generations Facility now provides local generation for RMEC members. The distribution co-op serves more than 8,900 member accounts across parts of Howard, Montgomery, Polk, Sevier counties in Arkansas as well as OK Counties.
“At Rich Mountain Electric Cooperative, our goal is to be a Trusted Energy Advocate for our members. We are pleased that Mena is the home to this 1-Megawatt Solar Array,” said Brad Castor, the new President and CEO of RMEC. “This solar energy project is going to help our cooperative family as well as our local communities. As a non-profit electric cooperative owned by our members, we give back to the people we serve,” Castor said.
This is the 13th electric cooperative in Arkansas that TPI has partnered with to develop solar or storage projects with most of them within the scope of 1 MW because of an agreement with Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation.
“We are so excited to partner with RMEC to help lower the cost of energy to its Members as well as provide economic stimulus to Mena and Polk County for the next 30 years and beyond. It will also generate more tax revenue for the school and county. This new technology is representative of the innovative and progressive spirit that exists in the RMEC community, “TPI President Michael Henderson said.
Rich Mountain Electric Cooperative, Inc.
From quality customer service to assist schools, rural water districts and rural fire departments, Rich Mountain Electric Cooperative is committed to assisting the members and communities we serve. It’s all a part of our dedication as your local energy partner since 1946.